In this beauty tip I will tell you the most important part of make up: facial care. Spoil your skin the right way so that less make up is needed.
Since I hit my 30s -did I just say that out loud?- I started to take extra care of my skin. But what to use? There are so many brands and so many products. I decided to use healthy products with no additions to it. For one year I’ve started using this brand, Origins.
Whatever product you are using make sure you have it clear routine. Clean your face in the morning and then evening even if you haven’t worn any make up at all. Cleaning your face is not about taking off the make up it’s about cleaning your skin. I am using this face wash on a daily basis. It’s an every day scrub.

After using this face wash you have to moisturize your skin. Currently I am using this BB cream, it’s like a day cream with a sheer tint in it. It’s less then a foundation but it does cover up some darker areas. I combine this with the zero oil matte finish on the T-zone to prevent my skin from shining -in the wrong way.

Probably the most important part is moisturizing. At night I use Make a difference – night as I noticed the zero oil moisturize lotion was not sufficient enough for my skin when it gets colder outside. So I use these as a combination. The zero oil moisture lotion can be used as a day cream as well by the way. I love it because it’s not creasy and the skin feels soft but dry after using it.

I shopped my beauty care at Douglas
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