Do I look younger already? I tested the Magnetight Age-Defier mask from dr. Brandt

Oh well, the years go on and the time has come that I have an anti-aging product! Obviously I didn’t wan to admit to it but when I saw this mask I just had try ut, watch my video by clicking play above the post.


Magnetight age-defier, skin recharging magnet mask and helaas reduces signs of skin ageing, oh hello! It purifies the skin and helps it look energised, well we can’t have enough of that can’t we, give me ten of those to go!


The wrapping alone was cute, a box with a wrapper around it with more details about the product on it. The box itself is sparkling silver, which I love of course, the glitter queen in me. In the box was a container with mask itself, as well as a spatula and triangular things which I couldn’t figure out yet. Let’s start reading the manual first before applying it the wrong way.

magnetight age-defier maskermagnetight age-defier masker


Enclosed is a little spatula with an angled side so you can apply the mask. Which went easy and nicely, no smears or drops everywhere, great! When all was applied I noticed I didn’t like how it was divided over my face so I used a little brush to evenly divide it. Of course you could use your finger tips, but this is less hygienic. It has to sit for about 5-10 minutes so I had some relaxing time for myself, a great excuse to do nothing.

magnetight age-defier masker


Now it’s time to take the mask off and use that metal triangle which was supplied with it. It’s a magnet you see and this is what you use to take off the mask, strange I know right! Take a tissue or kleenex and fold it over the triangle, not too many layers though. Gently hold the triangle tissue along the side of your face without touching it and with one swipe you take it off. Isn’t this amazing, watch the video above this post to check the outcome.

magnetight age-defier maskerdr brandt douglas

After removing the mask there’s a cream-like residu on the skin, which you can see on the photo of my shiny skin. This is a nice cream which you can gently massage into your skin after using the mask. I kept it on my face and it has never felt more soft and also my spots became a lot better (less irritated). The residu is like an extra boost for your skin, don’t you think I’m sparkling? I really needed such a mask as my skin has been acting up lately and I have dry skin because of the awful weather.


Looking back I did use too much of the product, I could have applied the mask with less. Good to know for the next time, because I will definately use it again. The way my skin feels right now is amazing and I also loved to take off the mask. It was so much fun using the magnet, a whole new technique. Applying it was easy, it felt nice and my skin was not irritated by the product. The only disadvantage I could think of is that you don’t really see how your face is being rinsed as the product is black. The product is available at several stores, also at Douglas for € 79,-


It’s important to know that the little magnet is incredibly strong and might not be wise to use together. When you have metals in your body or a pacemaker make sure to check with your doctor if it’s wise to use this product.

what a cool mask right? Would you use it?

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