Stop with all those excuses and start living! A huge dose of self love, spread it like glitter

This might not sound very nice I admit but I often get to hear so many excuses. Why you don’t have to dress up, go shopping or just love yourself just the way you are. I am just writing this blog like it’s nothing but let’s face it, it’s a serious topic and I wanted to adres this. Start appreciating yourself, your body because if you don’t appreciate and love it, how do you expect someone else will? It starts with you. And no, this doesn’t mean you have to change, only your mindset.

“no, I’ll buy that when I dropped a few pounds”

This is probably the most used excuse ever though I can say that I never use this. Seldom I use the word never but in this case it’s really applicable. Perhaps I’m just too blunt or honest and I just admit that I don’t have the budget or that I just don’t like the item? No, that’s not it. There will always be women -regardless of their size- who think as themselves that they’re too big and are always waiting for the right moment. When is this? You’re living right now, right here. Stop waisting time.

“that’s only for young girls”

Perhaps I just don’t want to admit that I’m in my mid thirties but my motto remains ”young is relative. That’s really true because when you talk about short cropped tops and cropped thigh shorts I might agree but each other trend is applicable for any age when styling the right way. When you have doubts just check online for a blogger which is similar to you and you might find some inspiration. Check out Pinterest if you want to find a shape, a color or a style and see the options. Be creative, search for ideas and make it applicable for your age.

“but when will I wear this?”

I don’t know! When? Whenever you decide that you want to look great. Now. Or tomorrow. Or during that party. Well an embellished gown or a thong bikini might not be on this list but other then this is possible. Try to find a way to mix and match your wardrobe. When you can combine each item in both casual as well as office chic you just doubled the possibilities of what to wear. This excuse is off the table.Try to combine that fancy jacket or glitter jumper with casual jeans. Or wear that cute skirt with a pair of tights and casual sneakers. Let go of sets and vary in your variations.

“nothing suits me”

Okay, I have had it. There is always something you can wear! I often read on my blog ”Oh well, everything suits you but I can assure you this is not the case. That’s why I always shout shop your shape with which I mean that you should shop and dress for your body shape and not your size. What are your features, what do you want to accentuate? Focus on that and the rest will fade. Sometimes I wear something that doesn’t make me look slimmer then I am, or makes me short or whatever. Those days I just don’t five a f*ck.

“nothing fits me”

The only excuse I do understand is nothing fits me which I can relate to with my size UK 20. Whether you are very skinny, very big or even normal (what’s that) with different proportions than I can understand it’s very difficult to find something you like. Settling with “wow it’s fits” is not always fulfilling. Luckily size diversity is becoming more and more popular within the fashion industry and more shops are offering more size ranges. You can search on petite or tall, plussize, curve and other options as well. Use the internet, ask around, there might be a solution for fun outfits somewhere.

smoesjesThe conclusion of this all is of course that you have to accept yourself just the way you are. I write this down easily but I know it’s a process and lots of you lovely ladies still have to go through this. But trust me, this is the first step to your own happiness. You’re only once on this planet -leaving aside other religions who tell you otherwise- so make the best of it. Did you have kids and you gained weight? Be the right example and enjoy each day with your family. Are you older and did you ‘gained a pound each year’ and it has been quite some years? Well see those as experience, loose them or just continue living the life. Are you young and insecure. I can imagine but don’t forget: any other girl (or boy) with your age is just as insecure, despite their weight or size. Stop comparing yourself to others, you are who you are. You are unique.


Recognizable? Which excuse is yours?


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  • theBiggerBlog - Josine
    mei 18, 2016

    Hi Anett, thanks for your reply. I am happy to read you’re on the right track. Loving yourself is the first step to happiness, because if you won’t than why should anyone else! I’m plus all my life too so I know how you feel, though I haven’t been bullied about it luckily. Dress the way you like, feel good about your appearance and when you look in the mirror you will start liking what you see more often <3

  • Anett
    mei 17, 2016

    Im 28 years old now, uk size 22. I was never skinny, so my teenage years went on with everybody saying bad things about me. Right now Im trying to love myself,because Im healthy and I can found nice and pretty clothes. The fear is always there, but Im working on it.

  • theBiggerBlog - Josine
    mei 16, 2016

    Do you think so? It never happened to me, so I’d say just go for it :-)

  • Anett
    mei 16, 2016

    My only excuse is that they will make fun of me.
    I love dresses and I would love to wear something sleevless, but Im so afraid that the younger generation will make fun of me