That fashion makes my heart beat faster is nothing new. Though lately I couldn’t really focus on fashion. To me it’s partially expressing your feelings but also showing who you are. The current trends are so intense and short that often I just skip them. There is something about it that doesn’t appeal to me. When everybody has is it, I loose my interest. Then there is this other thing, I never was a brand-minded girl, I just wear what ever I like. I don’t wear it because it’s on trend or in fashion, I wear it because I like it!

dress(ed) in whitedress(ed) in white dress(ed) in white

When I think of how the plus size industry has evolved over the last years I get a smile on my face. How the offer has changed from ‘oh that doesn’t come in my size anyway’ going to checking out shops and webshops filled with anticipation and actually finding what you need. Who would have imagined? No longer in a fitting room all frustrated and sad but being able to choose from several options. Such a positive change and it makes me happy. A vibe I got when discovering Fashionnova.

never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day

A dress like this is an item which was on my never-gonna-happen list and here I am rocking it! A slim waistline, a fitted top part and a wider skirt is all I wanted. Styled as a blazer or tuxedo, classy and chic. Its lower V-neck is a thing for me, as I’m such a prude but I think I’ve found a perfect solution. The dress can be worn in different ways, I choose stylish, classy and tonal. Also these over knee boots are a perfect match if you ask me. The pure is my latest fashion crush! When I was asked to pick out a Valentino purse I saw the whole picture coming together.

dress(ed) in white

dress(ed) in white

The dress is a size 2X which fits me perfecte, only slightly too narrow on the sleeves. I love the shape but the lower V-neck is not something I’d wear without anything underneath. So I found a top which didn’t take any attention off the dress. These boots are a perfect match, I love the over knees.

dress c/o fashionnova curve
body alice & you via asos
boots forever 21
purse c/o valentino bags

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  • Josine Wille
    oktober 8, 2018

    It was from earlier this year so I guess it’s sold out :-( you could check the customer service?

  • Carol
    oktober 7, 2018

    Help me find this dress!!! I’ve looked on fashion nova and can’t find it !!!

  • Tarek
    augustus 1, 2018

    very nice model