DISCLAIMER theBiggerBlog.com
The opinions expressed here represent my own. When it’s someone else’s opinion it’s clearly mentioned in the post, or below. In addition, fashion changes continuously and so do my thoughts and opinions. Here I share my opinion with you and you are free to comment below the post. If you disagree with my or with my photos, you are always free to comment however I request you to do this in a respectful manner. theBiggerBlog.com deserves the right to delete any comments for any reasons whatsoever (rude, insulting, mean). This blog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer, it’s solely my opinion.
The images and photos shown on theBiggerBlog.com are owned by theBiggerBlog.com or otherwise mentioned in the blogpost, or below. If you want to use one of the photos, always mention the right source and please contact upfront for approval. I love shout outs and mentions, please make sure to tag me or email me.
sponsored posts & affiliates
To pay the bills theBiggerBlog.com uses affiliate programs. This means that when theBiggerBlog.com tells you where to shop online that you will be redirected through a special site. This way theBiggerBlog.com can fund the website and its costs, while you as a customer don’t pay a cent. All costs are paid by the advertiser, please note. When a blog is sponsored by a company it’s mentioned in the blog post or its shown in the image. Please keep in mind that you as a reader are not paying for any of these funds. On social media I refer to the posted blogs whenever there is a sponsored item.
let’s keep in touch
If you have questions, suggestions or anything else, please contact me. Send me a direct message to reply on any of my blog posts or via email address josine@thebiggerblog.com