Add a touch of blue make up to your spring look
Don’t be scared, I’m not going to put blue eye shadow everywhere! I want to show you that you can update your basic make up very easily. A small accent can change your look completely,without you being a true make up artist. My daily make up is applied and when I added a few small tricks it turned to a bright spring look. I will show you how you can also add a little extra color onto your eyes, like I did with blue. You can also see how I almost fail in applying my eyeliner -and on film, eek! With a few tricks you can be ready for spring.
Do you vary in your make up or do you always wear the same?
At first I applied a day cream. I applied my eyebrows and concealer and used a contour palette for my face. To apply any kind of powder make sure to use the right make up brushes. In my opinion this is the most important part of make up. With the right brushes it won’t go wrong. The products and brands I have used for this look are mentioned in my vlog. I am sorry to tell you it’s in Dutch so if you have any questions please feel free to drop me a message or reply below.