Enjoy your summer break even more with these holiday tricks

Stop! Do’n leave before reading this, or read it on the way. These holiday tricks are a must-read and will make your holiday a bit more perfect. Today I’ll give you some tricks which can make life easier for you, especially if you’re a little insecure about yourself or your size.


Memories last a life time and cannot be bought. Enjoy your holiday and don’t hide yourself, start making holiday photos. This is a well deserved break and will become a lovely memory. You want to capture some of these moments for later, to look back with family and friends. Here are a few tricks for the perfect photos:

– taking a photo of the whole bunch of you guys? Position yourself amongst the group and stand slightly side ways if you don’t want to be too much in the picture. Put one leg front and one at the back, put your arms around your friends, this is a great way to pose when all your friends are smaller then you.
– don’t make photos in bright sunlight as the sun is not so forgiving. It often shows more wiggly bits and cellulite than you really have when shooting from the wrong angle. Find a spot in the shade.
– when a photo was made take a look at the whole picture and don’t focus on that belly. Or the arms. Or the extra chin. Not satisfied, make a dozes. Hooray for the digital cameras.
– practice makes perfect, try to copy some poses from women in magazines or blogs and check the mirror! Make lots of photos and try to change your pose now and then.

zomervakantie tips

swim wear

That very first bikini moment of summer is always a bit scary. For everyone by the way, at any size. Everyone has to get over that winter feeling with layering up and now undressing almost completely. Make sure to go on your holiday packing the right swim wear. You’re worth that nice bikini or one piece! Look your best in swim wear to the beach or poolside and you’ll have the time of your life feeling amazing! Some tricks:

– bring a pareo, a kaftan or a kimono so that you always have something to put on when you’re feeling insecure. This way you still have that beach look but you’re wearing more than a swimsuit.
– you’re on holiday. Remember, you probably won’t see the people you’re surrounded by anymore after this trip, make the most of it and enjoy!
– bring an extra set of swim wear, whenever something happens you always have a back up as plus size swim wear it not always available.

enjoying my swimwear on the lovely island Santorini


Do you take the plane to your next destination? For lots of curvy girls those airplane seats are always a thing. I have flown many times, business as well as lesure. I’ll give you my tricks for an easy flight:

– don’t choose the front row seats. These have tables inside the elbow rest which means the seat itself is smaller. The emergency exit can be a solution as these are sometimes in the regular rows.
–  do you fly with someone? Make sure you’re seated next to each other by checking in on time. During the trip you can lift the arm rest for some extra space.
– is the belt too short? Ask the flight attendant for a belt extension, they have these available and is used for pregnant women as well. Buy a cheap one online and bring it yourself, find it here.

zomervakantie tips

the holiday challenge

Now that you’re good to go I still have one question, a request actually. Will you join the holiday challenge? It’s more like a test for yourself, to take that extra step. Do you never wear bare arms, just try it. Never shorts? Just wear them. Never skirts or dresses without long leggings, try it with short leggings. Don’t dare to wear that bikini in your closet, just do it! Make the outfit work, style it in a way that you like it without looking at those arms or knees or belly! Feel good about your looks, keeping that one little insecurity in sight in stead of hidden. I’m sure no one will see it except you! Just once, will you try it?

Are you in? 


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  • Adam
    juli 21, 2017

    Hello Josine! I’m enjoying this article you share. Thank you for agreeing to share these great holiday tips and tricks. If I may want to recommend to you if you take a vacation to Bali and want to relax yourself come to Cocoonmedicalspa< .>com spa number 1 in Bali

  • Julia
    juli 21, 2016

    Hello Josine,
    those tips you’ve put together are valuable, although I really wish they weren’t necessary anymore.
    I have put my doubts and fears away much time ago and since then I refuse to hide my body or stop it from receiving every sunray possible.
    What I can say from my experience is that it’s the women themselves who make each other comfortable who abuse and degrade each other.
    Whenever I am with girls on the beach (except from my best friend) the diet talk starts right away and more often than not they will make snide remarks on other women around.

    The funny thing is: since I stopped worrying I feel that waaaay less people point finger or say nasty things. I mean fortunately it was never that bad but I felt observed and judged. That stopped.
    The beach exists to be thoroughly enjoyed! By all of us.