Have a spooktacular Halloween! I went to the haunted house in a Halloween outfit made from scratch

Friday night was scary night! I went to Haunted Castle, a Halloween event organised in a forest near the town where I live. I love to dress up, but I love the make up even more! It took me about an hour to look like this, what do you think? The outfit I made up from scratch and combined some stuff from my closet.

halloween halloween

The dress I bought a long time ago but I never really wore it. Its fabric looked wrinkled within 2 minutes. The sleeves were too tight so I cut them off, wearing it with a cardigan or jacket. I just really loved the style, the preppy school girl look! And so I decided to just keep it and look at this, it came in handy! Since it was an October night we were lucky it was dry but it wasn’t warm! We wore extra layers underneath our clothes and the jacket wasn’t just a cute outfit decision, it was necessary.

Funny story. We arrived at the event and my sugar skill painted friend had an headache so we went to the first aid. We arrived there and to my surprise it was a little hospital with crappy beds, plastic curtains and bad light. The perfect setting for my look! We asked the doc at sight if we could make photos and she just laughed how is this creepy? I think she spend too much time around horror scenery, lol! Look how this medic support area looked, perfectly in theme. My complements!

halloween halloween halloween

Halloween is not really a thing in Holland, or at least it wasn’t. Just like any commercial day, this is also now a thing here. I must say, I love to dress up and I love commercial holidays like this! At first we didn’t know how the weather would be, so I wasn’t planning to go all the way with my outfit. We decided to go all the way with our face and the outfit just dark and mysterious. I finally went for the Victorian school girl style with a bow in my hair and a blouse-dress with high collar.

my Halloween outfit for 2018 [including a full make up tutorial]:

trick or treat, Halloween



dress Primark
biker jacket H&M+
tights c/o Zizzi
biker boots Dolcis


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