check out these 7 male plus size bloggers all lined up

Fashion is not limited to size, nor to sexe. I love to see how these plus size men dress and show the world you can look amazing at any size. It’s not only women who love fashion, men can be really passionate about this too. These men show us that they love fashion and know how to rock it. Some are very masculine and cool, some have a feminine touch to it. Either way, they all love the bodies they’re in and like to share their looks to the world.


Claus is a German plus size blogger as well as male model. I love the positive vibe which Claus shows on his feed.


To use his own words, Jonathan is a plus size genre fluid model. This Venezuelan guy shows that gender is only a minor detail, wear whatever you like. Be who you want to be. 


Color bomb Troy shows his outfits, which are often colorful and always with a fun twist. I love a guy who can talk nails with me.


One of the male contributors to #effyourbeautystandards is this classy guy Kelvin. He’s a blogger as well as male model and shows a classic and stylish look. 


Plus size male model Benjamin shows his tough style and lives by the words “Love yourself for who you are and the rest of the world will follow”.


The Italian Alessandro is a plus size blogger and shows his style on instagram. He’s a down-to-earth guy who loves fashion & outfits. 



The Canadian blogger Syed shows top men’s fashion and looks like a real gentleman. A real business man!

One of the biggest misconceptions are to think that men who like fashion are probably gay. Perhaps, perhaps not. You don’t have to be gay or a metro man to love fashion! These guys show you how to do it and actually I don’t know who or what they love, I know they have the same passion which is fashion. I love their style and they swag. In my opinion plus size fashion has been accesible for men for a long time, but was it fashionable enough? The plus size brands are growing and regular labels are expanding their collections to bigger sizes. These guys show us how to wear it the right way.

did I forgot someone?


All photos are from the blogger as mentioned above

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  • Plus Size Clothing
    juni 20, 2020

    Some great styles for plus size men, really enjoyed looking at some of these and imagining trying on one of these looks at least

  • Josine Wille
    augustus 13, 2018

    Hi John, yes I absolutely agree!

  • john pride
    augustus 13, 2018

    All men are looking great in above apparels. proven that #stylehasnosize

  • I’m starting to get interested in the plus size industry as I have always struggled with my size, and not fitting in most of the clothes.

    Seeing plus size bloggers and models have been liberating to me because I realized that one can look fab no matter what size you are.

    I’m happy that there are not only female plus-size models and bloggers but also male ones. Thank you for this list! <3

  • theBiggerBlog - Josine
    september 1, 2016

    You’re welcome Jonathan! Love your feed, xx Josine

  • Jonny On The Go
    augustus 31, 2016

    Thank you so much for adding me to this list of awesome plus size bloggers with great style! it really means a lot to me<3